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Internet Backup

Work smarter

Internet backup for Business Continuity

A service disruption by your network provider can cause problems and, in some cases, damage to your company. Our internet connection backup system ensures business continuity during unexpected events and allows you to carry on working in any emergency. In the event of a connection failure, traffic will be moved from your primary network onto a satellite network. This happens without you losing any data, and without you even noticing the switch.

Keep your connectivity always-on to protect your business in case of critical failure

An Internet redundancy option that can save you a lot of stress

Satellite connections

Without the need for terrestrial infrastructure, reliability is guaranteed.

Switched networks

The server is always available both to and from the company internet and VP

Speed options

Different UP/DOWNLOAD options: pay-as-you-go or flat traffic rates

Covers anywhere

No need to check your coverage first

Monitoring and notifications

Back-up line monitoring of status and and email notification of any network switch

Qualified technicians

Professional installations and personalized support

Internet backup for Business Continuity ultima modifica: 2019-04-19T15:00:14+02:00 da esalsi@brd